Photo by Jessica Atkinson

Pre/Post Marital Resources

My wife and I have been married for 18 years and to be open, it’s been pretty easy and fun. I often hear people say that marriage is difficult and I imagine it is tough for many people, but for us, it hasn’t been very strenuous because we chose well in the beginning and we live with shared values, operating together as one.

It’s so true that you can’t love the red flags out of someone.

Wise couples often ask about pre-marital counseling and while I don’t offer one-on-one counseling at this time, I would like to provide some resources to help you spot some red flags, have healthy conversations, and lay the foundation for a strong relationship to be built upon before you say, “I do.” If you’re already married, I trust you’ll find these resources helpful in strengthening your relationship.

As a certified SYMBIS Assessment Facilitator, I’m honored to come alongside you to help set your marriage up for success. Most couples spend thousands on their wedding day and invest nothing in preparation for their marriage which will last a lifetime beyond the big day. The assessment and consult after is a value of $175, an investment in an experience of walking into your marriage with eyes wide open, positioning yourselves to prosper as you build a future together. I also offer a version of the assessment for couples currently married. A few things to note about the assessment:

The answers you provide will be held privately. Nobody will see your results except me.

Relax, this is not a test. You can't pass or fail it.

It will take each of you about 30 minutes to complete.

If you’re ready to take the assessment, click or tap the button below, and select the SYMBIS Assessment on the form options and I’ll follow up with an invite for you to take the assessment.

What Happy Couple’s Know

A series by Pastor Andy Stanley